Thursday October 13
I went back to work Thursday. I didn’t want to, but knew it was a good idea. I needed my routine. Throughout the morning, though, I was consumed with Gram’s burial which was to take place at 9:30 a.m.
I went through the motions that day. My heart wasn’t in it and I couldn’t focus. I wanted to, though, and for a few moments here and there I did, but my mind would inevitably wander back to thoughts and memories of Gram as I struggled to believe the reality of what had happened in the past week.
Goth Girl
I was shocked when I opened the mailbox. I’m not sure why, but I didn’t expect to get sympathy cards. I did get them though - a bunch of them. I brought them into the house and placed them on the counter while I took care of the dogs and changed out of my work clothes. I was anxious to open them and read them, but at the same time, not. I know these cards would evoke strong emotions. I’d be a wreck again.
This morning, Gram was transported to her final resting place and buried. Gram hadn’t planned for a procession to the cemetery or a service there, so I hadn’t planned to go. Peter, from the funeral home, reassured me, though, that he would go along and stay until she was properly buried. He would then call me at work and let me know that it was complete. He was a compassionate funeral director who was diligent in his service until the very end. The sales manager at the cemetery, on the other hand, was crass and borderline rude. When I explained to her that there was no procession planned and asked, in case I changed my mind, if it was ok for me to come alone and see Gram buried, she replied, “You can come watch them bury her if you want, but be aware that it will be a bunch of dirty, blue collar guys digging a hole and putting her in it.
“What?” I replied, “I have no problem with blue collar guys and it certainly doesn’t offend me.” Peter’s kindness and compassion was in stark contrast to her nastiness. I really appreciated him.
“What?” I replied, “I have no problem with blue collar guys and it certainly doesn’t offend me.” Peter’s kindness and compassion was in stark contrast to her nastiness. I really appreciated him.
I wanted to check on Gram anyway, so I decided to take the cards with me and read them at the cemetery. Seeing her grave would get me bawling so I figured I could do all my bawling at once. The cemetery is right up the street from my house, so it only took a few minutes to get there.
I walked over Gram’s grave wondering if my feet would sink into the dirt indicating that some settling would need to take place. I didn’t sink, not even a little. I walked back and forth and around the spray of beautiful flowers whose tag said “Great Gram.” We had placed them inside the coffin during the viewing and asked that they be placed on top of the casket for the service. Now they would remain on top of the grave until such time that the cemetery staff removed them. They were still beautiful.
I sat down in the cold, but thankfully dry, grass next to Gram’s grave. There were remnants of the dirt from the burial scattered throughout the grass – a dusting that gave the grass a yellowish hue. It was cool outside, maybe fifty degrees, with a breeze and no sun.
I began to open the cards one at a time. I placed each envelope under my shoe beneath my crossed legs so they wouldn’t blow away as I opened each subsequent one. I was sobbing as I read through the beautiful sentiments expressed by the cards and the people who sent them.
“Would you like a cup a tea?” I jumped, startled.
“Oh my God, you scared me.”
“Oh my God, you scared me.”
“I’m sorry,” the woman said. She was dressed in all-black - blouse, skirt, stockings, and shoes - a self-proclaimed Goth girl, I would soon learn. At first I wondered where she came from as she seemed to appear out of nowhere. I realized she worked at the cemetery office when she repeated, “Would you like a cup of tea while you sit here?” Her voice was soft and compassionate.
“Yes,” I managed to blurt out between sobs.”
“Would you like sugar or cream?”
As she walked away, I continued through the cards and I continued to sob. Once finished, I sat quietly, amazed by the support and love I was witnessing and amazed at the life Gram lived. I looked at her headstone. It was propped up using the vase insert, waiting for her end date scroll to be added and for the dirt to settle before being permanently placed. “Well, Ella, what now?” I asked. (Ella was a name I often called Gram in her pre-dementia days. It was a nickname for her real name, Elizabeth.) I waited quietly as if I expected to get an answer.
The young lady returned and brought me a cup of delicious hot tea in a Styrofoam cup. She also brought tissues. “Here, for the tears,” she said.
“Thank you so much for your kindness,” I smiled at her through my tears.
She stooped down, reached back and smoothed her skirt under with her hand and sat in the grass right next to me with her legs bent together on their sides. In addition to her all-black outfit, she had large, round, plastic-framed glasses that were also black. They completely covered her very white face. I commented on her all-black attire, specifically how it seemed appropriate for her job. “People tell me all the time that I look like the Goth girl, Lydia Deetz, from Beetlejuice,” she said. “I love it.”
We sat and we talked for almost an hour. She listened as I talked about my bond with Gram and the large hole that was left in my life. “I know I’ll be ok,” I said, “And I know that hole will eventually fill.”
“It will fill,” she said, “but slowly and over time.”
She spoke of losing her own grandmother and their bond and pain she endured. We told stories about our respective grandmothers. She cried with me. She reassured me that I would be ok.
“What’s your name?” I asked.
“Nice to meet you Jennifer, I’m Mike,” I said, extending my hand to shaker hers.
“It’s nice to meet you, too.”
“You’re so much kinder than your manager,” I said. “She was really nasty the other day.”
“Oh?” she replied, hesitant to go any further. Uh oh, I hope that’s not her mother, I thought, as I dropped the subject.
I stood up. “I have to go.”
“Thank you so much again for your kindness.”
“You’re welcome Mike. Take care.”
I really needed to meet Jennifer, the Goth girl, today. Perhaps that was Gram’s doing.
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